Oatmeal Pancakes

Four ingredient pancakes (and gluten free to boot!). I miss being able to eat pancakes out at restaurants – butter and buttermilk tend to grace the ingredient list – but this easy and super tasty recipe is a great way to make pancakes at home!

Prep Time: Cook Time: Total Time:
 5 minute  4-6 minutes per pancake 20-25 minutes

Recipe Type: Breakfast (see Recipes Page)

Serves/Yields: 6-10 pancakes

Continue reading “Oatmeal Pancakes”

Testing the Waters

I’ve wanted to switch to a zero waste solution for drinking water for awhile now. We’ve used two Brita water filters for years: one is a countertop filter for room temperature water, and the other is a smaller handled jug filter that we keep in the fridge for cold water. Continue reading “Testing the Waters”

Zero Waste Bread

digital-bread-maker-m2.jpgWhen I was in high school, my dad bought a breadmaker. I don’t remember the brand, but I do remember he bought it second hand at a garage sale (My dad was very thrifty – He owned an old Toyota and drove it into the ground, then bought another exactly like it and drove that one into the ground too. Continue reading “Zero Waste Bread”

How Plastic Free Was Plastic Free July?

Here we are at the end of Plastic Free July, and that means I get to look back at how I did!

At the beginning of the month, I honestly thought I was going to do pretty well. I even said during my post at the start of July that I thought I’d gotten fairly good at cutting out the plastic in my life. Unfortunately…I was pretty damn wrong. Continue reading “How Plastic Free Was Plastic Free July?”