The Great Facebook Debate


Found from a “Ketogenic Diet” Google search. Image is from

I had a friend on Facebook recently post about wanting to start a blog on the “Vegan Keto” diet. I tentatively shared that I didn’t agree with the Keto fad, at which point her brother chimed in (who I learned was the “expert” and had recommended Keto to her in the first place), to ask what I didn’t like about it. Continue reading “The Great Facebook Debate”

A Backstory Starting with Scurvy

No no, not me and scurvy. I’ve never had scurvy. This is just a history lesson in the study of diet and nutrition that dates back to scurvy. Please don’t fear history! If your starting point is a commitment to health and wellness, having a sense of the history of diet and nutrition is essential to understanding how it all adds up, and why we (as a society) think what we think about diet these days!

Maybe I can make you stay and read if I throw in some cats? Continue reading “A Backstory Starting with Scurvy”