Eat Your Carbs!

People are always surprised by how much I eat, and more specifically by how much bread and rice and pasta and potatoes I eat.

To give you a frame of reference: I’m 5’6″, weigh 123 pounds, and I (typically) wear a size zero pants and small or extra small shirts/sweaters/jackets/etc. Continue reading “Eat Your Carbs!”

Vegetable Stir Fry

Recipe Type: Smaller Dish (see Recipes Page)

Prep Time:  15 minutes                    Cook Time:  15 minutes                    Serves:  3-4 Continue reading “Vegetable Stir Fry”

The Great Facebook Debate


Found from a “Ketogenic Diet” Google search. Image is from

I had a friend on Facebook recently post about wanting to start a blog on the “Vegan Keto” diet. I tentatively shared that I didn’t agree with the Keto fad, at which point her brother chimed in (who I learned was the “expert” and had recommended Keto to her in the first place), to ask what I didn’t like about it. Continue reading “The Great Facebook Debate”

The New FDA Nutrition Label

Today (or yesterday, given that it’s 1:00AM while I’m writing this), the FDA finalized changes for the nutrition label on all foods. You can read about all of those changes here. The changes are mandated for all food companies, and must be implemented by July 26th, 2018 Continue reading “The New FDA Nutrition Label”

A Backstory Starting with Scurvy

No no, not me and scurvy. I’ve never had scurvy. This is just a history lesson in the study of diet and nutrition that dates back to scurvy. Please don’t fear history! If your starting point is a commitment to health and wellness, having a sense of the history of diet and nutrition is essential to understanding how it all adds up, and why we (as a society) think what we think about diet these days!

Maybe I can make you stay and read if I throw in some cats? Continue reading “A Backstory Starting with Scurvy”